Thursday, February 23, 2012

34 Week Stats

Baby Size: 4 pounds at least

Mama Size: Up 27 pounds. Waist still the same. According to my doctor, my fundal height has always been spot on but I know it's kind of a bogus measurement.

Symptoms: Braxton Hicks every night and possibly throughout the day--I usually can't ascertain between her stretching out and BH, but every once in a while my stomach gets unmistakably hard (like, my belly button pokes out). Oh and I peed my pants when I sneezed this week. My doctor told me that past 37 weeks, if I feel like my water has broken I can come in and get swabbed. In her words, "At that point of time, there's just stuff coming out all the time" and I nodded sagely. Peter would be so horrified at some of these discussions.

Other updates: Had my 34 week checkup and yay, she turned head down. Although she still hasn't dropped but maybe by my 36 checkup. I asked about my doctor's policy on inductions and I just meant after 41 weeks, but she told me that she'd be ok starting sweeps at 38 weeks and if I wanted, pitocin after 40. I don't want the pit but I was relieved to know that she was ok jump starting labor and that I wouldn't be pregnant until mid-April. I start to get cervical checks at 36 weeks and will start the weekly doctor visits at that time.
I'm excited and so ready to be done with gestating but this means we really need to finish the nursery, wash a few clothes, and maybe prep a few freezer meals. I've read that foods that can be eaten with one hand are even better so I'm not sure I'll make any dinners ahead of time. Sandwiches, fruit, veggies, hummus are things I eat anyways and most of the time sound so much more appealing than even lasagna or chili. And Peter is very adept at making dinner for himself, even if those dinners mostly involve meat and carbs.

Question of the week: So what did you do (or want to do) for meals after delivery? Is it really helpful to have meals prepped ahead of time?

34 Weeks

Dear Baby,
According to the doctor you have definitely turned head down so I guess your father's encouragement actually worked. Last night I was trying to determine exactly how you were laying and realized that the large bump near my belly button was your rump! I don't know why we thought it was your head. Then I felt further down and could feel a tiny hard head and you suddenly felt so real. I have a human inside me and it is simultaneously miraculous and surreal.
I had to take another glucose test this morning and other than a few squirms and two kicks, you didn't react at all--foreshadowing of your temperament? Or maybe things are just so cramped inside that you couldn't do more than feebly protest.
My doctor promised me that I wouldn't have to go past 41 weeks so we will definitely be seeing you before tax day. Hooray hooray.
Lots of love,

Thursday, February 16, 2012

33 Week Stats

Baby size: large

Mama size: Up 26 pounds and 38.5 inch waist. Fondly remembering when my chest felt small. Never thought I'd say that

Symptoms: Weird foot pain in my left foot but I went on a walk today and I just ignored it. Having a hard time rolling over in bed; my weekly babycenter newsletter suggested wearing silk pjs and having silk sheets. Hahaha it made me laugh at how ludicrous that sounded.

Other updates: I ordered a bunch of things from amazon, including some cute grovia diaper covers, the tiniest rectal thermometer I've ever seen, a nose frida, and a changing pad. I took one look at the pad and thought, that might solve my newborn sleeping question! It's firm and waterproof and padded and has a strap. :) I just have to get some baby medicine and stool softeners (thx for the tips!) and a few more little things and I think we'll be good to go.

Question of the week: When did you pack your hospital bag? Is it too late if I do it at the beginning stages of labor?

33 Weeks

Dear Baby,
Mother Nature has definitely made it so that I would rather go through labor and delivery than remain pregnant. This does not bode well for your future sibling. I almost wrote siblings but right now it would be safer for everyone if we pretended there was only going to be one more. I know that in another year or two I will have forgotten all the wonderful tricks my body is pulling but maybe this post will serve as my shoulder cricket.
When you are 100 days old, we are throwing you a traditional Korean celebration called baek-il. We are Americans so of course the resulting party will look nothing like the ones my ancestors threw, but it's the spirit that counts. Your dad and I are planning on making a video for you, expressing our love, our blessings, and our hopes for you. This is the first week I've hoped for you to be tall with a long torso and birthing hips. Pretty much everything you are not genetically inclined to be. :)
I have a feeling these letters are going to get weirder and whinier.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

32 Week Stats

Baby Size: Getting closer to 4 pounds
Mama Size: Definite growth spurt this week--up 24 pounds and a 38.5 inch waist. My doctor wants me to gain 35 total and while I balked at first, I am definitely well on my way there.
Symptoms: I think the baby turned head down but that only has intensified my peeing frequency. I am actually enjoying this part of pregnancy even with the aches and fatigue. My pelvis pain has left almost entirely (knock on wood) and Peter and I went on a 45 minute long walk this week. I almost cried with happiness because I could do it! I could walk and wasn't out of breath or in excruciating pain and had plenty of endurance. It felt so normal.
Other updates: I had my first baby shower this week, thrown by my coworkers and actually loved it. Mostly because it was a co-shower with another coworker and it never felt as if the spotlight was on me too long. I know I'm such an attention freak. Anyways it was very sweet and this baby will never run out of things to wear.
We finished our birthing class HOORAY! We practiced our breathing techniques and birth positions and a few scripts--visualizations that Peter will read to me between contractions.We have one more class at the hospital--a breast feeding one--in early March and then we won't go back until it's showtime.
Question of the week: What were some things that people usually don't gift you but that you needed for the baby? I'm thinking things like baby clippers, infant tylenol?, thermometers? So far we have tons of socks, infant mittens, sleepers, pjs, onesies, dresses, blankets, hats, and even shoes. Yes shoes. I am proud to say that besides white sleepers and two dresses, I have not bought her any of that. Anyways, we also have a crib, mattress, sheets, stroller, car seat, infant car seat insert, rocking chair, thousands of wipes, cloth diapers, baby shampoo......I know I need to also get a changing pad and bathtub and possibly a swing but I am really trying to hold off on buying anything non-necessary until after she gets here. I might break down and buy a sling so that Peter can watch her while playing on his computer :) Oh and I'm completely avoiding the whole feeding aspect of having a baby. I have a feeling that we'll be formula feeding her almost right from the get-go but if I buy bottles and formula now, it's like admitting defeat prematurely. Although ironically I'm also resistant to buying a boppy or a nursing pillow. It's like I'm blocking the fact that I'll have to feed her entirely.
Also what things do they give you in the hospital for the baby--pacifiers, aspirators? I keep almost buying them but there's no point if we get them already.

32 Weeks

Dear Baby,
This has been one of the mildest Utah winters I've ever experienced and I have to admit that I'm loving it. My big fears of slipping on some ice and falling or getting in a car accident due to bad weather have not materialized.
At my doctor's appointment last week, the doctor told me you were still lying transverse, like you were in a hammock. I went home and googled what that meant in terms of labor and delivery and found that you must turn before labor starts or else you would have to be born by c-section. I am not concerned because you do have 8 weeks to flip head down but I still thought it would be a good idea to encourage you to start turning. I think your dad sometimes can't believe the words that come out of my mouth and he gets this look on his face like he thinks I'm trolling him. I told him to get you to turn we needed him to talk or sing down by my pelvis so that you hear him and shift appropriately. He complied but made sure I knew how weird he thought it all was.
And I think it's working because after a night in which you wriggled more than usual, I woke up the next morning feeling distinct movements at the top and bottom of my belly instead of the left and right sides. I can't tell if you're now breech or head-down but I think you must be head down because I occasionally feel this uncomfortable pressure on my cervix.
Which means we're that much closer to an actual delivery! Only 8 more weeks if I'm lucky.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

To interrupt the regular scheduled program.....

Well you all have thoroughly shamed me for being so flippant about my hospital! When my birthing instructor who is a head nurse at IMC acted like pro-natural policies were so normal I really did assume that most other places were like that or getting like that. And I'm sad to hear that isn't the case.

She did say that when we checked in to make sure to specify that we want a pro-natural nurse so maybe there are still some staff there who like to do things old-school.

Anyways, here's hoping that the tide is changing. Also, to go hand-in-hand with my parental leave complaints last week, here is something that really is surprising: Parenting Leave  Our parental policies here don't make me angry, exactly, but it is shocking when even third world countries have better leave practices than we do.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

31 Week Stats

Baby Size: Still estimated around 3.5 pounds

Mama Size: For some reason am losing weight and inches. Up 22 pounds and a 37 inch waist. My doctor didn't seem concerned and I definitely feel the baby kicking every few hours.

Symptoms: Oh the fatigue. I actually came home early on Wednesday and promptly fell asleep. I am so grateful that I am still experiencing some great nights of sleep and am not taking that for granted. If my sleep quality starts to drop significantly near the end, I might start my leave a little early. I am pretty useless for higher level cognitive tasks once I get pregnancy-sleepy. Ha, at the risk of sounding like an annoying 'you-don't-know-what-this-feels-like' pregnant woman--pregnant sleepy is so different than regular sleepy! The latter I can power through while the former makes me a dangerous driver.

Other updates: We missed our childbirth class this week due to Peter being in San Francisco and my hell no reaction to when Peter asked me if I was going to sit through it without him. Plus that night's agenda was focused solely on birth plans and my birth plan is woefully underwhelming. Well that coupled with a doctor and a hospital that, according to the business of being born, is shockingly pro-natural, pro-doula, pro-parent choices and would make Ina Garten proud. My hospital insists on an hour of skin to skin contact, immediate latching, delay of any and all newborn tasks (including weight and eyedrops) until parents feel bonded. My ob won't cut the cord until it stops pulsing, encourages breastfeeding (mind over matter was her phrasing), and is willing to wait on inductions until around 42 weeks. I have in my drafted birth plan to keep the baby in the nursery as the default instead of in my room and I have to laugh at the irony that I will be going against the "norm" now. I almost think that any specifications on my part would be met with a "Silly girl, we do that for all our patients now". We went on our hospital tour today and was told that mothers are encouraged to walk around, labor on the birthing ball, or labor in the jacuzzi. Such a stark difference when you look back ten or twenty years.
The tour actually got me excited to go into labor if only for the view. Being in a high rise hospital room with huge windows that face the wasatch front makes me feel luckier than Beyonce.
Question of the week: When did you put your car seats in your cars? We're planning on visiting the local fire station to make sure we install the bases correctly. Waiting until 38 weeks or so seems reasonable to me but is that too early?

31 Weeks

Dear Baby,
This is the part of the third trimester that feels like deja vu. First trimester fatigue and day naps are back in full force. This combined with a renewed interest in my job and long hours spent at the office create an interesting dynamic. I wonder what parental leave/work policy will be the norm when you are having your own children and wonder how our society can continue to ask parents to keep their jobs and raise children at the same time. I have always thought that women could have both, if not simultaneously, then sequentially. Now, however, that decision is more personal than academic and I can't help but wish that Utah, of all states, would have friendlier parenting policies.
I can see the writing on the wall for the traditional 9-to-5 work day in an office--this new generation of workers value flexibility and commute options almost above more pay. I absolutely concur--I would gladly take a pay reduction if it meant I could set my own hours or bring my children into work or even subsidize a child care center on-site.
Maybe things won't be that different in twenty years but I hope that parents, and especially mothers, continue to have greater and greater options when trying to balance work and family. I especially wish your father could experience being a stay-at-home-parent or a hybrid sahp/worker. I think you would both enjoy that.
Love (with or without all my philosophical musings),