Thursday, October 20, 2011

16 Week Stats

Baby Size: A stud finder!

Mama Size: Up two pounds from pre-preggo weight. I will upload a picture soon! I think I am carrying low. Peter finally turned to me this week and said, "You're PREGNANT?!" I was like....really? I guess it has started to sink in now that my stomach is growing.

Symptoms: Insomnia at 2-4am due to hunger pangs. I finally caught on and started to eat a snack right before bedtime, but for awhile I had no idea why my sleep was so disrupted. Quick poll: Peter thinks a banana with peanut butter spread on it is the weirdest combination ever and he thinks it's just the beginning of me eating weirdly. But I just was like, bang for my buck! Calories plus protein. Who is right :) (b/c isn't that what marriage is REALLY about?)

Also, today for lunch I had TEN chicken nuggets and a chili from Wendy's. I guess it wasn't the worst choice but I did send an apology towards the tiny parasite. Let's see....I think I am going to gradually take up running again even though I still get some pelvic and joint pain at night. Oh and I have felt like I was going to faint several times this week. Oh and the incessant peeing.

Other updates: Baby will be a traveler before even leaving the womb! I fly out to DC next week and Virginia mid November. While I am doing all this traveling, our house--well, basement--will be getting painted and carpeted which means I can finally move the guest bed downstairs and start working on the nursery. I am thinking birds and owls and yellows and whites.

Question of the week: When did you start to feel your first baby kick?


  1. #1: If Peter thinks that's weird, then I won't tell you the things I combined. He'll never want to meet me (if you ever decide to buy Lori and I plane tickets).
    #2: You're pregnant. It means you are always right. Just ask Zack.
    #3: Parasite?! I knew you and I had something in common.
    #4: Be careful if you feel faint. My SIL felt that way at times and actually passed out once in a grocery store. Low blood sugar.
    #5: Wait til you have the baby, and you get your first cold. Every time you cough, you end up trying to pee on yourself. Fun stuff.
    #6: The first time I "thought" I felt Luke kick, it was gas. The second time I thought I felt him kick, I thought it was gas. When I finally realized he was kicking, my stomach moved with each kick. I think I was 5-6 months along.

  2. Peanut butter and banana is a healthy snack. Even for non-preggos. I read it in SELF magazine. Does that make it legit?

  3. Are you aware that Lindsay and I are going to be in DC together next week? And where in VA are you going to be in Nov? Let's hook up if we can!

  4. I don't remember exactly when I felt the little gal first move, but I think it was around 18/19 weeks -- you would think I would have documented that on my blog, but at first, you're usually not sure if it's legit or some kind of intestinal thing, which is probably why I didn't shout it from the rooftops. It would definitely be fun to see your little growing belly -- or just you, really :)

  5. I LOOOOOVE Peanut Butter and Bananas! Amber and I lived off those in college. And Spaghettios. LOL!

    I was about 18 weeks when I feel them both move...the flutter thing...where I mistaked it for gas...BOTH pregnancies. LOL!

  6. 18-19 weeks on baby 1.
    15 weeks on baby 2, but it took me a couple of weeks of it constantly happening before the light bulb went off.
    14 weeks with baby 3. I was smarter, older and undersized.
