Friday, January 6, 2012

27 Week Stats

Baby Size: Closer to 2 pounds now

Mama Size: Up 18 pounds. Probably some sneaky holiday weight thrown in there. I need to get back on the exercise bike!

Symptoms: Oh this week was a doozy. I was eating Tums like crazy and having so much acid reflux that I didn't want to eat. Except then my stomach would grumble and OH MY GOSH it feels so good to feel my digestive organs working. Weirdly enough, soup doesn't seem to trigger heartburn or reflux so my poor child has been subjected to more ramen than I care to admit.

My pelvic pain has come back and I'm finding it very hard to sit all day long in the office. I'm not sure if swapping to another chair will help but I'm going to try that next. On bad nights, I get home and crawl into bed with tylenol and a heating pad. I swear, this relaxin crap had better be doing some good.

I mentioned my incessant night hunger. I don't think I'll ever forget how ludicrous I feel trying to eat while trying not to wake up.

Other updates: Yay third trimester! It's kind of weird but I feel my desire to prepare for this baby diminishing every day. I was doing all this research on baby products that I think I burned myself out. There is way too much information out there

Question of the week: What was your last trimester like? I am kind of dreading the increase in discomfort


  1. Have you tried sitting on a yoga ball? It makes such a difference for me with my pelvic pain and lower back. (Specifically at the computer when you're sitting for a long time and can't change position much.) Yes, it makes you feel like an idiot (have you seen the episode of the office that starts out with Dwight sitting on one? smile.), but worth it for me.

    With Katie, third trimester was a beast. Couldn't do anything (load dishwasher, vacuum, etc.), could barely walk, it was horrible. This time, it's still not fun, but so much better. I actually had a harder time in the last few weeks of my second trimester than I have in the first few weeks of my first trimester. Maybe it's just that the discomfort is so constant now that I'm used to it, but I also just seemed to struggle with the transition---my body seemed to struggle to deal with the extra burdens it was under at that transition. The good thing is that even though the third trimester is so uncomfortable, you're getting so much closer to the light at the end of the tunnel, especially once you hit the 30 week mark. To me there is something helpful about there being less than 10 weeks to go.

  2. Ouch on the back pain! I'm hoping that will ease or at least NOT increase. Only 3 more months to go! The research on baby items makes me want to poke my eyes out. It's frustrating.

  3. Somehow, you make me giggle, yet, feel sorry for you at the same time.

    It gets better in slight ways, but worse in others. all you can do is pray. I got to the point where I had heartburn/acid refux all day long and debated on gagging myself (only way to make it stop for some odd reason). Tums, Gaviscon, etc., etc. There is "supposedly" a prescription for this, but my insurance didn't cover it. I couldn't fork out $120 for it either; although, towards the end, I seriously thought about it.
