Thursday, November 3, 2011

18 Weeks

Dear Baby,
I find it hard to believe that we are almost at the half-way mark. Apparently most people still can't tell I'm pregnant but I can :) Not because of my stomach growing larger but because you are kicking and moving around every night. In fact, your dad has felt you two nights now! The first time this happened, we were sitting downstairs watching a movie and you kicked hard enough for me to feel you with my hand. Ordinarily, I can feel you inside, but not outside. I pulled your dad's hand over and we both started to laugh at how alien it felt. The next day he told me:
it didn't fully hit me until this morning
but feeling those little kicks was amazing
like really amazing
there is a little person inside you
I mean, that is just incredible
1:49 PM I'm getting kind of excited about it

That looks like a poem but it was really just an online chat :)

There is a video making its rounds on the internet of a family law judge getting angry at and beating his daughter while the mother looks on and encourages it. People are outraged and while I am too, it seems almost unfathomable to me. We already love you so much and feel so protective of you. On the other hand, I understand raising a child is so difficult at times, which is part of the reason I am writing you these weekly letters. I hope when times are tough, we can read these together and remind myself to be gentler, more loving, and kinder towards you.
