Baby Size: Beer bottle! Guess that's better than wine bottle
Mama Size: Up 9 pounds from pre-pregnancy. Before pregnancy, I used to love the mornings because I would feel so thin from having not eaten for >12 hours straight. Now I wake up feeling bloated. It's so strange that for 9 months, your entire way of thinking about your body just flies out the window. I told Peter that it's like, imagine for 9 months you change your race. Most mornings, at least for awhile, you'd wake up to, hey oh yeah I'm Tongan! It's just strange
Symptoms: Lansinoh is now my best friend. Or should I say breast friend? Also, I swear if I can't breast feed, my humps will literally be on the chopping block. No one should ever find out that they run out of alphabet letters after you reach a certain size
Other updates: Miracle of miracles--the two maternity pants I bought FIT! I would buy two more pairs but I got spoiled by only paying ~20 dollars for each and now I can't remember what the Gap deal was at the time. They are only on sale for ~60 now. On the other hand, having felt how comfortable they are, it might be worthwhile to think of their lifelong use....
Question of the week: What unexpected body changes happened during your pregnancy? Also why oh why are my nipples changing colors? No. Me. Gusta.